A spookytacular point and click adventure game.
Help Dave rescue his friend in this scary mansion!

Art by the wonderful Akumakiro.

Note: The easiest way to play full screen on PC is to press F11 before clicking on "Run Game".

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(96 total ratings)
Made withAseprite, Adventure Game Studio, Clip Studio Paint
Tagsadventure-game, Bara, Gay, Point & Click
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsMouse, Touchscreen

Development log


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How do I get to the backyard?


im stuck at the attic part. Where is the book that dave needs for the ritual?

you have to use the crowbar you got from the old shed to open the barred door in the library. the ritual book is in the room behind the barred door.

I’m genuinely lost I’ve got four of the gems but I don’t know where to go after that I see comments about an attic and a ritual but I’ve looked everywhere and interacted with everything the only dialogue I get is they’re trying to figure out where to put the gems and how he tor refuses to touch the candles at the Sigil


If Hector refuses to do something (like enter a really creepy place) maybe someone else should look around and find where to place the gems.

keep releasing games like these, 

eventhough i think the mage apprentice did it a bit better games like these weirdly capture that feeling i had while playing that short jerk me off 2

where i can find the lime?


Is there an eighth gallery?

Why i cant arranges the candles?

I keep getting stuvk on the ghost can someone help

(1 edit)

You need to show him the photo of your ancestor to obtain the blue gem, which you can get in the tiny bedroom on the same floor



Hi Caesar, great game as always... I got 7 achivements in the gallery, but I have the sensation that I missed one. It's possible to save Tommy?


There is a small second scene during the ritual that can be unlocked if the characters show each other certain items before doing it.
If I'm not mistaken people have already commented on what they are.

CaesarCub! Awesome game, I hope it gets updates, more levels and characters, both young and old. LOL Uncle Hector could be circumcised. He was the coolest character to me, with his dick swinging and escaping every time, super exciting. Could have an animation of him trying to hide it but failing and always escaping lol Congrats on the awesome game


1 - With the vase, collect the demon's urine from the cave wall, this is to drive the demon away from the torture room. Show him the vase...

2-Uncle Hector takes the sandwich and the sauce, puts them both in his inventory, mixes them together and eats. Uncle Hector goes to the tomb and opens it. The garlic breath scares the vampire away.

3-Dave with the photo found in the room. Then he goes to the library on the top floor alone and gets the blue book. Show a photo to the ghost

4-Uncle Hector already with the lime, the garlic breath and the silver chain around his neck...He returns to the entrance porch and goes to the right where he finds a lit cigarette. The werewolf appears, I don't know which of the items scares him. It could be a silver chain around the neck

5-Cigarette and match for the last ritual. Uncle Hector arranges the candles and lights them then Dave takes a file and draws inside the circle, inside the circle Dave and Uncle Hector light the cigarette.

6-Fuck the guy with the hard dick, he's already fucked a lot...He tells me to choose: between feeling the fat guy's huge cock sitting with a super hard cock or running away because he's fine and doesn't want to come back.

If you want to feel the giant penis in action, lol, the game is over for you. It's game over. run away from that giant penis

Zerei o jogo. legal demais...Primeiro pegue o galho com o Dave depois com o galho cutuque o portão vá para entrada da casa. terá uma caixa bloqueando o caminho volta para tio Hector peça ajuda , dentro da casa primeiro com tio hector vá para a lareira e pegue o fosforo, depois na mesma sala com Dave leia o livro em destaque na estante, com o Dave vá pela direita e pegue o vaso na mesa da sala de jantar depois a esponja na cozinha, com Tio Hector abra a geladeira pegue o hamburguer depois vá com ele para a proxima sala e pegue o pote de molho, Tio Hector derrubará no chão, leve Dave para ver ele irá descobrir uma passagem atraves da parede, com o tio Hector derrube a parede, Dave limpa o refri derramado com a esponja, No inventario de Tio Hector junte o molho com o hamburguer e o coma. Va até o quarto da beliche pegue a chave com o Dave e passe elas pro Tio Hector , depois ate chegar num andar com dois quartos, esqueça o da esquerda por enquanto. No quarto da direita  com o  Dave pegue a foto sobre o criado mudo, agora atenção pois será preciso tomar cuidado fazer em sequencia, nesse mesmo quarto tera o colar de prata tio Hector vai ter que coloca-la, em seguida ele tera que mexer na bolsa e encontrara um duto de ar, ele ira passar o Dave pelo buraco, Dave perde a camisa, nesse instante que ele aparecer na sala não toque no chão! saia e va para o tunel pela esquerda tera duas imagens na parede uma de um demonio mijando e outra com ereção, com o vaso pegue  a urina desse demonio e vá ate a sala do ritual e toque na vela irá aparecer um Demonio , de para ele o vaso de urina para faze-lo sumir. ele ira lhe dar uma pedra. Com tio Hector volte ate a sala da lareira e abra a porta da extrema esquerda  saindo da casa seguindo tanto faz um levara ao tumulo abra o tumulo ira parecer um vampiro,  o bafo de alho de tio Hector espantará ele, outra pedra será lançada, voltanndo e indo a esquerda um quarto com cadeado sujo faça Dave abrir passe a esponja. Entre com o tio Hector e pegue a sacola de lima e o pe de cabra. após isso use a lógica tio Hector abre a porta quem entra nos quartos sozinho é Dave olhe tudo onde tem livro vasculhe, voltando com o tio Hector na entrada da casa ele percebe que caixa sumiu , vá para a direita terá um cigarro acesso pegue ele, aparecerá um homem negro nú que vira o lobisomem ele some ou por que vc está com a corrente de prata ou o cheiro de alho ou por ter pego a lima, ele ira soltar outra pedra. Agora om Dave tendo em mãos a foto volte pro ultimo andar aquele dos dois quartos e entre no da esquerda vasculhe todos os livros. Pegue o azul ira aparecer o fantasma do bisavô de Dave moostre a foto a ultima pedra será lancada. Agora salve  volte pro tunnel do demonio da erecão, coloque todas as pedras , volte ao ultimo andar com os dois personagens vasculhe, tio Hector ajeita as velas e as acende o Dave pega a lima e desenha dentro do circulo, tio Hector oferece cigarro ao Dave. Um portal depois de todas as interações volte pelo portal, ou transe eternamente com o cara de pau enorme. 

This is simply great!!! I loved every second playing it, it's so smooth and the art is wonderful!!

I found the game while scrolling through bluesky and didn't notice this was a bara game tho. Got kinda scared when the demon showed up rock hard out of nowhere

(Most pleasant surprise I've ever had)

Hey CaesarCub! Amazing game as usual, it think this is one of your best games. Very classic old school point and click style and I'm here for it. Pleasantly surprised that you used pixels for the game.

Problem: I don't know if its just me but sometimes the items I selected were kind of sticky as in they don't deselect after I tried associating it with something unless I switch to a different character.

Great work, can't wait for the next game you make.

If you are playing on PC, just right-click and the item will be cleared.
If you are playing on mobile, tap on a part of the menu that does nothing (for example, the skull on the lower right corner) and it should clear the item.

Thank you!! <3 <3

How can you unlock all endings? because I think I'm missing one


you basically have to experience them all once, I think the one you're thinking of is the ghost ending so you basically got to meet the ghost without having the picture.

really cool, I couldn´t looks some scenes and Dave is missing sometime

will this game be available for iOS?


The game is a web game, so it should be playable on iOS using a web browser.
Adult games are not allowed on their app store, so I couldn't make a build even if I wanted to.

(2 edits) (+1)

Amazing job as per usual CaesarCub!

I LOVE the attention to detail you've been putting into your games. From the walking animations having a belly and bulge jiggle (Hector 🤤) to the little one liners that you put when you try to do different object interactions.

I'm always in awe of how quickly you find a way to make the characters shirtless lol. 

Although your games never fail to stump me puzzle wise at some points, I always manage to figure it out eventually. The power of horny is I guess a very powerful motivator to solving things.

This is not only a great Bara game but also a very well thought out point and click puzzle game. You've taken what worked with the Mage's Apprentice and expanded on it very well.

Please keep up what you're doing for Bara games. Thank you for making the games/art that you do 🫡 (Also thank you to Akumakiro)

(1 edit) (+2)

i think im stuck in the attic part (edit: nvm I just had to soak the sponge with the spilled coke)


really cool! It even works well in the mobile browsers. I wish the characters were a bit less fat though 😆


I understand the feeling, because I'm usually wishing other adult games had at least one chubby character. 😆

El juego estuvo genial, el arte y los protas, estuvo muy hot

(1 edit) (+2)

Was really looking forward to exploring but immediately got stuck in the first 4 rooms of the mansion. Feels I've interacted with everything. Ate a sandwich, soaked up some coke but not sure what to do after an hour of moving back and forth. I'm sure I'm missing something small. But without hints I'm just stuck


Look at the spilled coke. Some went under the wall. Use Hector to break the wall down.


What is the bag of limes for? I was given a book, but no idea how to read it.

did you find the solution? I have no idea what to do :D

(1 edit)

I did. Get to the end, upper attic, and click on the candles with Dave. Then get Hector up there to mention having lime for the circle. Keep clicking around till something happens. 

I think it was my fault for getting gets WAY out of order that stuff didn't make sense anymore. You can get the lime early in the game, but I didn't get it because I didn't click the lock right were its accepted. 

Omg I still don’t understand, what candles? The only ones are from the sigil, I can’t defeat the ghost, just want to get the last gem…

You might want to check the bedroom and make sure Dave took everything from that room.

For the ghost, before grabbing the blue book in the library, have that character grab a picture of someone that looks just like him from the bedroom. Should be in the next room over. On a small table by a bed.

Thank you so much, I was trying to pick up the picture with Hector :D


Omg this  game are the best I need more 😍

Alguien sabe como utilizar el cigarrillo?

Pretty cool little adventure CaesaCub. Really enjoyed these little puzzles. Not gonna lie, that i got a couple of them right by luck too (photo, and garlic breath), and it was fun when i realized them XD


Change gold chain with silver?

OMG i loved everything about this game, the art, the story, the gameplay it's just awesome adn the more you play it the more you want to finish it!

I had two endings and at the end I noticed I missed the vampire, werewolf and ghost fucking scenes if they exist because I see some free spots on the gallery at the end.

Great work!!!!

(1 edit) (+5)

Love the game. Took me a while to find the werewolf and how to kill the vampire (I had essential item used to progress the story, but not the other), but not having it laid out for you so neatly is perfect.

Metaphorically, with some games the puzzle is completely finished before you start and its just a linear boring experience. Other games just have a pile of jigsaw pieces in a mound and leave you with nothing to go on. This was a puzzle with edges already built and the pieces arranged into color piles, the perfect way to do a puzzle.

The only thing I wish the game had was the ability to call one character to the other characters location. Its quite tedious when for example the Hector is in the Crypt and the Dave is in the Library. But that's just me being an impaitent ADHD ridden nitpicker.

Am...... The game is saying "exception thrown see java script console" what should I do????????


I think itch.io was having some issues, so I'd tell you to try again later.
If the error persists, it might be some incompatibility with your browser or device.
If that's the case changing browser might help.


I really loved this game. There are bara typical elements - I won't deny I'm mostly here because of Uncle Hector, hee hee - but you can definitely grasp the inspiration to older adventure games, like the one about another Dave guy entering a mansion to rescue his girlfriend. There was a sponge there as well. Man, I feel old. :') Great work, congrats! It must have been so fun watching you both work at this little gem.
I Noticed a minor bug, not sure if this is intentional or not. You may actually enter the underground room by clicking on the door, even if it's still locked, because there's a random pixel that is read as "stairs" and not "door". I got it randomly, then purposely tried again by pixel hunting and it's there. 

Deleted post

I love the little detail of Dave's tummy bouncing when he walks, and the same with Hector's bulge 🤤


Lets all take a moment to thank Tommy for his "sacrifice" in keeping the Elder Gods away from Earth!


What? When! Did that happen 


Very fun and great game, not a single dissapointing game by this developer. Love them all.

(1 edit)

Good, fun game! Make sure you save often to prevent having to redo a lot of work.  Read the instructions, doing so cleared up a step was stuck on.


where do i find the book for the ritual? been stuck for a while now

Me too

You need to use the sponge on the coke that you dropped on the floor and then use the soaked sponge on the padlock


main character is Dave from Rest Stop awesome. love the game so far, very interactive. atm idk where the instruction manual is for attic ritual, nor how to open the rusty locked shed. i hate asking but I'm totally stumped 


same, I would like to know if there is a way since I've been through every room and still no hint of what to do

(1 edit) (+4)

I never thought to clean up the soda with the sponge, then use soda soaked sponge again on the rusted locked shed of all things. One of the items you find in the shed use in the library.  


Thank you!


The game is fun and the design of the two protagonists is interesting, but makes the game a little slow. I would suggest adding a call function to call the other protagonist appear directly.

Agree 100%

Great game so far. Am I the only one who has no clue what to do when the hint is to go to the library? I'm at 2/4 and I feel like I combed through everything


Check everything on the bookcase in the library. It's the room that has the barred door in it. Make sure you get The picture first though

OH, I didn't interact with this? Thanks!

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