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Apart from the given magazine in the story, where are the other 3 magazines?

Hornwart is over towards the manor, Kernel is from exploring (but it took me a loooooong long long long time to get it), BC is going back to talk to a quest npc there.

help for BC I've been talking to npcs for an hour now and no one is giving me any magazines

The cabin boy gives it to you.

(1 edit)

I'm confused by "Trace will probably have the right recipe." I have no idea who Trace is or how I'd know that they'd have any recipes. Who is Trace and how do I meet them? Have I just not met some prerequisite? In that case, how does the MC even know their name?

EDIT: Ok, yeah, I hadn't met the prerequisite. Still weird that the MC already knew his name, though.


Thanks for letting me know.
This will most likely be fixed by the next update.


you abandoned the Mahō Shōnen: Magical Battler?, it's been six months since you've updated the game or brought any news about ir

( i'm sorry if the english is bad, i'm using the translator )


At the moment I'm prioritizing Haven, and work/IRL stuff is preventing me from doing much else lately.

Okay, thanks for the answer, I'm happy to know that you didn't abandon him 😁, I hope everything bad that's happening to you passes soon 💜

 ( Once again I'm sorry if the English is bad)


is there any way to have sex with bert or any plans to do it?

how do i get the cloths for me to enter the ship?


Go into the town and explore

How can you get/buy the leather hide??


Talk to the Marshal at West Mesa.

How many times do you have to seduce Bo to get the new sex scene in West Mesa?

10 times.

How do you do that, I have tried going to the farm and seduced him over 10 times now and it is still the same scene.

The new scene is with the marshal, not Bo.

Ah ok thanks

I can't find the new sex scene in west mesa, can I only get it before recruiting the new character?

It's unlocked after being friendly enough with Bo

how do you sleep with the marshall

hello, uhh idk if you can do this but I really want to bring like the thief colonie back to haven like as one question, idk how many there are (I skipped through the diolog way to fast) but if there aren't too many, I would like to see if we can bring them back to Haven as like make them team members or smt idk (and also cause I like them and they are adorable :3)

Sorry, at the moment you can't recruit any enemy.

Deleted 273 days ago

...oh ok (if I can also ask, is there at the moment any plans for that? Or no?)

No plans at the moment.

how are the magazines found? i found one by chance i think early in west mesa, but it said it was too sticky to pick up. later i got one in west mesa through plot? there’s one in each area, i just wonder how to get them. just explore repeatedly?

Yes, some are lying around the world and you have to explore to find them.


I found one in the lords manor and the last one is in kernnel just explore it took a long time

in west mesa there is: bandit, mariachi bandit, everett and bo. But is listed as having 5 characters with sex scenes. Where is the 5th?

It's something you can unlock with someone else after being really close with Bo.


a lot of fun in this game too. thanks for it

Love the artstyle and various sex scenes, especially the spanking one :)

How many worlds do you plan to have?


As many as I can get away with before I feel it's time to end the game.

Awesome, can't wait for the update!

Any good way to get money?  I explore but very rarely get any money.


Up to this version? Defeat enemies by fighting instead of seducing them.


Hah!  I haven't actually fought anyone!  I've just been seducing them!  Thanks!

I... have not normally fought an enemy since starting the game. No wonder it felt like things were moving so slowly, I was doing the wrong kind of grinding (ง ื▿ ื)ว

Great game! I would love to have the choice to agree to being the cats cumdump and have that as one of the endings

Oh, and I wondered why there wasn't so much to explore... well looking forward to returning to this game.

Nice game, keep up the good work

Were cool game thank you for that there will be update?


That's the plan.

that is soo cool will wait :3

(1 edit) (+3)

Fun game. Can't wait to see more. Is Lord Demoke foreshadowing something when he talks about writing a letter to his father? Will the people in town ever stop looking unhappy when I explore?


We shall see.


Fun Game!  Hope to see more.  Love that you can do the sub scenes if you win!


I appreciate you can get the submissive scenes without having to lose. 


O jogo está muito legal como sempre, mau posso esperar para ver mais 🐻🍑🔥

I only found 3 characters with sex scenes, is there a way to do it with the recruitable characters or merchants?

All enemies have sex scenes, as well as a another character on each world.

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I couldn't find the third enemy on West Mesa, only the outlaws and Bo

there's also that guy with fancy clothes, but other than that I couldn't find the other character with a sex scene.


Keep using the explore button; there's another enemy that is rarer to find, but that's the one you're looking for.

I see, thanks, I guess I was just unlucky to have not encoutered it until now

how do you fight?

Wen an enemy shows up he will start the fight, and then you have options like "Attack" or "Seduce" to use on them.

(1 edit)

Very cool game so far! I'm eager to play more once you add more worlds and characters) Hope the game will also be available for PC or mobile ❤️

Also I absolutely adore the art style and the fact, that everyone is a hot chub 😭❤️


At the moment I'm focusing only on having my games work on browser, since that way they can be played both on PC, Android and even IOS.

You can use the app to play the game offline on PC.

Thanks for enjoying the chubbyness of the enemies ♥

Damn I actually didn't know about the itch app. You've made mu life and posting my games easier, thank you 😭❤️


I'm glad to hear that.

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