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When is the new update?

I really wanna see a Sex scene with Lemon and Lime >;3

How do I reset skill points ? I went for a Seduce build and now stuck at Booty Cove because it requires attacking.

I'm afraid that the level resetting is unlocked sometime after the part you are at. 

I'm stuck in Fursburg. In the parking lot, Tabasco says he doesn't want to talk with me and sends me away. In the fruit stand, a cop appears, tells me I'm not welcome there and sends me away. I thought I might be low leveled to continue and trained to level 13, but it's the same interactions. Eggnog tells me to go to the fruit stand to get an apple, but I can't see how. 

At this point someone should have mentioned something about dressing differently if you want to face the cop.
Check if you have new clothes available for crafting.

That was it! Thank you! It should be Rubeus job to give these kind of tips :D

Love your games and your art style. A big hug to you! :)

MegaCorp is basically Disney, at the current stage.


I'm struggling for fursburg I cannot find that dang basil amazing stuff though

me too

I think I got the barley seeds from booty cove vendor 

thank you

I tried that but still ask did you get it 

You have to take it back to haven and ask for it to be planted 

I'd think maybe increase the experience gains a little bit to make leveling not such a grind. That or make leveling a little more impactful so you don't need to grind quite as much but having to fight the same enemy 60+ times for an hour for a single level is just not that fun >w<

I'll look into it.
Just in case, let me tell you that it shouldn't be necessary to reach to the level cap to defeat all the enemies in the game (I allow the players to level up more than necessary so people that want to grind, can, but it shouldn't be needed).
Also, remember that if you feel your build is ineffectual, you can always reset the character progression, and try a different one.

Oh yeah, I never hit the level cap on any of the updates since the grind was too heavy to pursue x3 Looks like current content ends at at about level 10-12ish. But yeah leveling just feels slow at all points of the game and enemies quickly outscale your characters growth so having to grind a little becomes unavoidable, which isn't too bad to me at least I'm used to grindy rpgs of yore, but it only get's slower and slower as enemy exp doesn't really keep up with the amount needed between levels very much. Like all enemies could give 50% more exp and it would still be a bit of  grind with Tabasco and Cashew only giving 60 and 45 with a 50% boost but even that means instead of having to beat up Tabasco 60 times to level up its 48(from 14 to 15). Still a grind but a little less brutal~

Açaí é do norte do Brasil certeza hahahaha 😹

The story remains very interesting, good job 🐱


How do I unlock the merchant at booty cove?

I'm stuck/ I don't know what to do bcuz my to-do list is empty.

That probably means you might have caught up with all the current content.


There's a scene of sex with the cabin boy?

Not at the moment.

Your game is very good both in graphics and in story

How do I get fruit for the haven?

I love the caleb's scene so much, is there another hidden scene with him?

Not yet, sorry.

No problem, thank you 😁

Deleted 93 days ago

How to show the body modification to melvin


hey! you have to fight the green orc in kernel until u get his dna samples, then take them to frank

OK, thank you so much! 

hi guy i cann't buy the megazine in Hornwort Valley someone help me


No buying, you have to explore the Manor until you find it.

How do you unlock sex scenes with Rex and will there be any versions of him in human form, if not now then in the future?

If you don't get a scene with Rex during the main story,  you can visit him later and he should be open to it.
No human form interaction at the moment. Ideally there would be one in the future., but it doesn't have much priority for now.

Okay, thank youu

I wish I could add a traditional Chinese.


Sorry, due to the scale of the game, and that it has regular content updates, adding support for other languages would be too complicated at the moment.

I'm soft locked in the game when merfolk tells you to defeat the cultists I've defeated like 20 of them and it just keeps saying  I have not finished yet what do I do

Are you defeating them by fighting them or by seducing them?
The merfolk should be asking you to seduce them.


Is it a spelling error when the Vampire say "On, don't worry,"? Or am I just reading it wrong?

Was is meant to be, "Oh, don't worry,"?


Yes, that is a typo.
Thanks for finding it.

How do you have intercourse with bert?

After you give him enough magazines, you should unlock a scene with him.

And how many magazines should I give him? I already gave him the 4 that there are, or is it for future updates?

It might be a future update, sorry.
Since the Public and Patreon versions are at different stages, sometimes I'm not sure exactly if something is already in the public version or if it will become available at a later date.

Mmmmmmm well, I'll have to wait to see Bert in all his glory 🤤 , and when will the next update be? Not so much Bert's but the game's? I've already finished it up to where it is 🤭

It might be a bit before the next public update.
I am working on some other several things, so some might take a bit more time than others.

¿Cómo puedo obtener muestras de ADN en Kerkel?


Seduciendo enemigos.

How do you get the magazine in Hornwort Valley? I've been searching for ages!


you buy it from the merchant

Ah, thanks


Idea: Raccoon Skin (idk how that would go but its was more of a good idea in my head, but apart from that, I LOVE THIS GAME, GOOD JOB!)

I have been asking people to suggest skins, so that's good.

I just really like the Thief Raccoons :3

Can anyone tell where i can buy the damn carrot,thank you

The merchant in Hornwort sells carrot seeds.

Hey there, is there any other/better way to get money than exploring and praying to get lucky. It is such a chore to get even the smallest amount because of the random encounters that I need to skip, and every main quest related item needs to be bought...


Most enemies drop money if you defeat them (not seduce them).
Also, anything that your team crafts (food) can be sold for profit.

ah okay thanks, i ve been mostly building towards seduction. How do i collect things that my teammates craft? 

Just like with Caleb to get clothes, once you have the items needed, you just select the item and click on the "Craft" button.

Does anyone know where to get the carrot for trace?

I have a question, what the fuck is the save file info? Like, i aaves to file to pass it from my phone to my computer and play the game there and over-look what the save file has in it and just didn't understand what i was looking at at all, tried the edit save files online to SEE if it helped to understand it, it did not help in the slightless

I never inteded to cheat, i just wanted to understand what the fuck was that brunch of asian text and emojis combined in the save file, i want to make my own game one day am trying to learns programing that's why i was confused with this

No problem.
As you probably know, save files are usually a list of values that represent game information (level, money, have you visited this place yet, etc).

Mine is no different, it just happens to be compressed, because due to browser limitations you only have 5MBs of data across all to be saved in this way, and I want to occupy as little as possible of that storage.

I hope that clears out the confusion.

If you have any other doubts or questions you are welcome to contact me.

(1 edit)

Thank you, i'll see how to decompress the info to see better the info of the data file

I don't know why but now that i played with pvz2 soundtrack sounding in the room next door make me see the pvz2 world's in the scenarios you have until now, West Mesa = Wild West, Hornwort Valley = Dark Ages Ver.1, Kernel = Far Future, Booty Cave = Pirate Seas & Carpathia = Dark Ages Ver.2 (Now with Even hornies monsters!)

I haven't played it, but I'll have to look into the soundtrack at least XD

Here you go


Now picture the importante fights with the "Ultimate battle" song for the soundtrack and it's great

As Frank said, this is the cutest werewolf I've ever seen 🥹🥹


Love this game so much! I love how consistent the updates are too. (plus the characters are hot af would love to see some more hair on their bodies though)

Great game, I now have all 6 characters and there is nothing do except befriend Caleb and Dario and it say you  doubt there is anything to do at the moment... not sure what to do next.


That means there is no new content for them at the moment.
The game is still in progress, so there will be more stuff later on.

Ah ok thanks. I will wait for the version update then.

(1 edit)

I love your games. Can I install this game on my phone for free? ❤️ Or your other games too? ❤️


Most of my games are playable on phones using the web browser.
I decided to make them web games so they can be played on any computer (be it Windows, Mac, Linus) and any other device (android, iPad, iPhone) without worrying about making builds for every one of them.

Thanks for answering❤️

I hope you make more games idol❤️ I'm your no. 1 fan from Philippines ❤️

An incredible game, one of the best I've ever played on this topic, the arts are incredible, great work, when will the next update come out? I want to see more of this world

please make a download link, sometimes is inconvenient to play in the browser.

your game is great by the way

You can use the app to play the game offline on PC.
I'm considering making it downloadable, but I don't have plans to make that anytime soon.

okay! thanks for the reply!

Is there somewhere I can see what each stat does?

Mouse over on the stat.
If you are on mobile I think you can see the info by clicking on each stat.

Thanks!! I dont know how I didnt try that already. 😅

Hey guyss, can someone help me..? I'm trying to find Walter and I have no idea how or where...

Hornwort Valley

Hornwort Valley. Explore there I think.

yep tnx, found him

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