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The LucasArts vibes are great :D


You're always make a good game


I loved! The "guard" at the crossing is hot!


i love this, i need more!


Sooooo cute and fun ! I wish there will be more in the future !

Please, a game with a Spanish translator, I beg you, or the games that are on this page, put it in English and Spanish.



It was short but very fun lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun, and the art as always is really good, surprised me a bit by how smooth Lance's walk cycle was; I believe the only detail missed is that 1 item that can be clicked didn't show its name on the dialogue box, that being the store window, not a real problem, just an oversight I guess.

Run game!


Fuck, I missed your point and clicks ♥


is there a way to get on the master?


absolutely loved it, was so nice I beat it twice (that has two meanings).


okay, this was a cute and fun game! Is there just the one ending? Or are there multiple endings?


I like this game. The movement of the Lance was impressive. I'm looking forward to the next update.